Providing clean, biodegradable, and renewable fuels
Our story begins here...
This compelling explanation is at the heart of why the NCE partnership was launched. We believe a moral obligation exists to protect our home. We also share a belief that through innovative process changes that include converting fossil fuels into a clean, low-carbon resource, will bring about a profound shift in the way we power the world.
National Clean Energy supplies clean, renewable energy resources to the Aviation, Transportation, Consultation, and Marine sectors of Indigenous-owned corporations.
With a current distribution network of over 2 Billion litres per Year to over 350 locations, Nation Clean Energy focuses on Safety, the certainty of supply, and sustainable sources of energy.
Many Indigenous people hold the belief that the increasing climate events across the globe are the effects of the Earth defending herself against attack.
We strive to assist Indigenous Communities to create economic self-sufficiency and multigenerational wealth
Safety, Sustainability, Stability
We exist to develop clean energy fuel projects that include all stakeholders from feedstock to offtake. With our partners, we proudly work together to produce a domestic supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuel and Renewable Diesel.
Clean Energy Plants
Net zero emission plants
Carbon Intensity less than 15 (gCO2e/MJ)
Can generate their own electricity
Can generate their own water
Require a 10-acre footprint
Guiding Principles
Indigenous Led Projects
Clean Energy Solutions
Return on Shareholders’ Investment
Transparency Amongst All Stakeholders
World Class Execution